Friday, March 15, 2013

Blogging the Easy Way

I just learned (by actually reading instructions) that you can blog from your email. Imagine that! I also found out that you have to strip out the code by changing your email to plain text. The instructions also said you have to put a # at the end of the message; however, that showed up in the message and I had to edit it out. This looks promising. Stay tuned.

Taking the Easy Way Out

Love the song but I'm not taking the easy way out when it comes to naming my next heroine. Her middle name will be a famous opera. Not too many hints, now. I will tell you that she is an Oracle, but not the kind that just sits around and divines the future from a dish of water. Our heroine can put on the chic and kick demon butt with a wonderful assortment of deadly tools. So stay tuned for more as she progresses from college freshman to her destiny.