Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Great April Reads

I just got back from the Silken Sands Conference in Pensacola Beach. Wow, am I pumped! It was great! Of course I'm reading some great books. One is "A Lady's Secret" by Jo Beverley. If you get a minute, visit her on her blog. http://jobeverley.blogspot.com/ Congratulations to her for that #14 on the NYT Bestseller list.
Isn't the cover wonderful? Trust me, the book is gooooooood!
I discovered a very interesting and funny writer through a handout at the conference. The book is coming out in July 08 -- "Accidental Demon Slayer" and I won't spoil it for you by giving away any of its super humor. However, one line really hit my funny bone when the heroine says, "There's a demon in my dog!" Can't wait to get it. The author is Angie Fox and you will be seeing a lot about her when this book hits the stands.
Happy Reading and Remember ~~ Believe, we must! ~~