Sunday, July 13, 2008

National Association of Freelance Writers Teleclass Announcements: Teleclass Updates

Space is available for the July teleclass, Writing for the Web. Writing for the Web is very different from writing for print; if you are looking to add writing Internet copy to your repertoire, this class is a must. Join us at 8 pm ET for a live, 60 minute web-hosted seminar with plenty of time for questions and answers. Sign up on the site.

Meanwhile, the next teleclass will be Getting Started in Freelance Writing, scheduled for Wednesday, August 20th at 8 pm ET.

For a limited time, all classes will be offered to everyone at the member rate of $24.95 per class (the same low price as membership). You might consider joining the National Association of Freelance Writers and adding this as your paid class with membership.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Great April Reads

I just got back from the Silken Sands Conference in Pensacola Beach. Wow, am I pumped! It was great! Of course I'm reading some great books. One is "A Lady's Secret" by Jo Beverley. If you get a minute, visit her on her blog. Congratulations to her for that #14 on the NYT Bestseller list.
Isn't the cover wonderful? Trust me, the book is gooooooood!
I discovered a very interesting and funny writer through a handout at the conference. The book is coming out in July 08 -- "Accidental Demon Slayer" and I won't spoil it for you by giving away any of its super humor. However, one line really hit my funny bone when the heroine says, "There's a demon in my dog!" Can't wait to get it. The author is Angie Fox and you will be seeing a lot about her when this book hits the stands.
Happy Reading and Remember ~~ Believe, we must! ~~

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras countdown banner

Happy January!

It's that joyous time of the year for many residents of the Gulf Coast. So, enjoy the parades and everything that goes along with the festivities. I hope you have a safe and happy Mardi Gras.