Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can't believe it has been so long since I posted. It has been a busy year. I had my right knee replaced in May and spent the next three months in physical therapy, doctor's visits. Fortunately, my surgery and recovery have been better than normal. I can now walk without pain. Believe me, being pain free is the best Christmas Present I could have.

Speaking of Christmas Presents--If you are like me and enjoying the benefits of Medicare and Social Security, count your blessings. It really troubles me to see so many of my generation who have these benefits out in public, making jackasses of themselves, adamant that others not so fortunate will be denied public health insurance. Yes, I'm of the "I Like Ike" generation, but somewhere along the way, my ILI party went down the tubes and I became a lot more liberal (and I believe humane) in my beliefs.

Please Santa, bring a public health plan to those less fortunate than I in this blessed Christmas season. Bring the uninsured and suffering a plan that will give them the blessings of good health.

Merry Christmas!