Monday, August 05, 2013

Great Quote

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood . . . who, at the best, knows . . . the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
~~President Theodore Roosevelt~~

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Last day to enjoy the RWA Conference. Good times for all and still some great workshops. Good luck to all the RITA and Golden Heart finalists. Cheering you on even though I won't be there.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Good Times at RWA National

This is Romance Writers of America National Convention Week in Atlanta, GA. Lots of exciting events starting on Tuesday before the con officially began on Wednesday. The Mystery Suspense Romance Writers (otherwise known as the Kiss of Death chapter) went on a tour of the Fire Station and Fire Training Academy. My hat is off to these brave women and men who risk life and limb to save lives and property. Wed. is an active day for the chapter presidents and our house guest, Nanci Race, went to her Outreach event at the Marriott Marquis. Mike and I went today for seminars, meeting with author Laurie Schnebly (I won a free class at her seminar which was great BTW) and we all had dinner together. Afterwards, Laurie went back to her hotel and Nanci, Mike and I swooped down on a bunch of chocolate, cheese, veggies, fruit, etc., at the Death by Chocolate event hosted by KOD. It's been a fun day, but long and I suspect we will all collapse before too long.  Happy Writing, Everyone!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Blogging the Easy Way

I just learned (by actually reading instructions) that you can blog from your email. Imagine that! I also found out that you have to strip out the code by changing your email to plain text. The instructions also said you have to put a # at the end of the message; however, that showed up in the message and I had to edit it out. This looks promising. Stay tuned.

Taking the Easy Way Out

Love the song but I'm not taking the easy way out when it comes to naming my next heroine. Her middle name will be a famous opera. Not too many hints, now. I will tell you that she is an Oracle, but not the kind that just sits around and divines the future from a dish of water. Our heroine can put on the chic and kick demon butt with a wonderful assortment of deadly tools. So stay tuned for more as she progresses from college freshman to her destiny.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Having successfully navigated the holidays (Christmas, New Years), birthdays (two in December, two in January) followed by Ground Hog Day, Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras (Yes, we celebrate EVERYTHING), I'm ready to move on with listing a new book on Amazon. The Country Girl is a book (somewhere between a novella and a novel), sweet and slightly sexy. It's an attempt to show how one young woman is trying to have a simple life in a modern age. She has to strike a balance between the two worlds and I think she does it very well--with the help of the romantic hero, of course. So stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

I'm excited about my first listing on Amazon. Christmas at Magnolia Hill is a short story from the series, Tales of Wampler Springs (a fictional town on the border of Missouri and Arkansas). The once sleepy town is brought to the country's attention by the success of one of its own, Addy Wampler, who becomes a famous country & western singer. This is the story of her life after career--or as she finally settles down to take it easy at Magnolia Hill.